
GoogleGogglesisanimagerecognitionmobileappdevelopedbyGoogle.Itwasusedforsearchesbasedonphotostakenwithmobiledevices.,GoogleLensisanimagerecognitiontechnologydevelopedbyGoogle,designedtobringuprelevantinformationrelatedtoobjectsitidentifiesusingvisual ...,DiscoverhowLensintheGoogleappcanhelpyouexploretheworldaroundyou.Useyourphone'scameratosearchwhatyouseeinanentirelynewway.,GoogleLensletsyouse...

Google Goggles

Google Goggles is an image recognition mobile app developed by Google. It was used for searches based on photos taken with mobile devices.

Google Lens

Google Lens is an image recognition technology developed by Google, designed to bring up relevant information related to objects it identifies using visual ...

Google Lens

Discover how Lens in the Google app can help you explore the world around you. Use your phone's camera to search what you see in an entirely new way.

Google Lens

Google Lens lets you search for what you see, get things done faster and understand the world around you − using just your camera or a photo.

Google Lens

2023年12月7日 — Google Lens lets you search what you see, get things done faster, and understand the world around you—using just your camera or a photo.

Google Goggles 已經被Google Lens 取代

相比只可以識別藝術品、地標和一些商品的Google Goggles,有人工智能加持、可以識別人臉、植物、動物等更廣泛種類的Google Lens 自然是更加強大。

Google Goggles is dead; long live Google Lens

2018年8月17日 — It's been a long time coming. According to a Wired report from earlier this year, development on Goggles had “more or less shut down” by 2012 ...

Google Lens

該服務類似於Google Goggles(Google先前推出的一款功能類似但功能較弱的應用程式)。Google Lens採用更先進的深度學習程式和人造神經網路來檢測和辨識物體、地標並提高 ...